Nobody can hurt you without your permission. Mahatma Gandhi

I wonder at what situation when Gandhi said this. Could it be someone need protection.

This is about the freedom of you mind.
Pain is what your mind does to you. It's the choice of your mind.

What is real?

What your mind believe is real is real.

Think about placebo effect, think about social status. Social status, it is such a illusive thing, a thing made up by people's mind.

When a bad situation happens, one often feel helpless. Sometimes, become angry towards some one, some may have self pity. It's common that one will a flood of all of these feelings.

But is a situation good or bad? Without our mind, situation means nothing. The same thing could be good to someone, and yet bad to others. Even to the same person, a situation can mean different things at different time. Think about you got that dream job, and you were still doing the same thing after 20 years. Trust me, not even a king or a president want that job for too long.

You are on the dancing floor. We are not aiming for the end of it. The point that we arrive at the end of the dance is not the point. Enjoy the dance. What's the use of the useless, self inflated suffering?

You are free.


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