"I, Robot, am the Buddha in a teenager's skin"

Here is a post I found on the shroomery forum, I like it, afraid it's going to disappear before I have time to contemplate on it, so I
quoted it from this URL: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/6501917

You are a robot. This is the first thing you must accept on the road to liberation. Whether or not you are a tabula rasa, a blank slate, when you are born, or there is some spark of uniqueness which allows your mind to react differently to the world than someone else would in your exact situation, the undeniable fact remains: you are a robot.

You are biologically programmed through the act of human reproduction, you are emotionally and linguistically programmed by your parents and all those with whom you interact, and you are programmed to live within certain systems (rational, calendric, numeric, religious, scholastic, etc.) by your parent-culture.

So, you're a freakin' robot. Get over yourself already. The way you act and react is pre-determined by the reality you are born into.

Yet, you seek. What are most of us here on The Shroomery seeking? We are seeking to alter the chemical base on which our consciousness rests in order to understand our consciousness in and of itself. When you reach a certain point in this chemical experimentation, you discover that you, like everyone else, is a robot absorbing a billion inputs and outputting signals based on the sum of your programming: we are all connected in that we receive signals, synthesize them, and produce new signals. The 9/11 hijackers received paranoid/hateful signals, and produced them, causing their own demise and the demise of thousands of others: they were paranoid robots.

What you have to do to break the chain of paranoia is WAKE UP. By waking up, I mean you have to realize that you are the product of the fears and hopes of others: once you begin to see clearly what those fears and hopes are, you are able to alter your reality in order to wake the other robots up, and in doing so you realize that being Enlightened means giving and receiving compassionate signals with your fellow robots and learning how to rid yourself of paranois signals.

So, a human is someone who feels compassion and paranoia but is not awake enough to understand his own intent as part of a larger whole - he thus acts according to the ratio of compassionate to paranoid inputs which he has received in his life: obviously this varies in every single individual.

A robot is a thing which cannot compute compassion or paranoia, but which has an unbending computational (input-synthesis-output) intent with regards to its reality.

What is a holy [wo]man, then? A holy man, a realized being, is someone who is able to compute levels of compassion and paranoia in his fellow hum-bots, and act with unbending intent to tip their scales towards compassion.

You can't run away. Your karma is not your own, it is the karma of your family, your peers, the old woman serving you your hotdog at the ballpark - and as you gain a larger perspective, your karma is the karma of the World: you cannot transcend this earthly plane through meditation or psychedelics: you can either Be Here Now, acting on compassionate impulse, or you can be an input-output drone and wander around confused and frustrated (and, of course, occassionally compassionate) until you die and cease to exist.

The only certainty is death life.

Edited by Lion (01/27/07 10:40 AM)


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