My vision of project Ava

I sought, and I found what I was looking for.

Having watched too many sci-fi movies, to name a few, the interface in minority report, the Zion control in Matrix. Every time when I have to work with paper, either at work or at home, I wish augmented reality and virtual reality is available for mundane usage instead of gaming or military.

The UI in iron man movies is the most exciting and most attractive UI to me. I want to bring this into reality.

I wish that one day, the user interface that we need to work with is as simple as paper documents, photos; models projected as 3D objects.  Using 3D tracking and augmented reality, the environment can be our computer screen. The input device can be our hands, or a real pen. You grab a piece of "paper", put it on the table, pick up a "pen" or using your finger, dip in to a color that you like to write or draw in, start writing.

This is not a dream in a far future anymore. There is VideoMan It is an open source library for video applications. There is OpenCV, it has been there for years. I am also impressed by the work of Javier Barandiaran Martirena. Here is one of his work

Here is the plan:
  1. Clarify the vision
  2. Meet the right people
  3. Dream comes true
The value of the document is the information it contains. Paper is only the media. What we need is the information on it, it's time to remove the carrier.


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