WoW Ubuntu gusty 64 setup

I received a WoW invitation from a friend. Downloaded the install package from their website. First thing I tried is install it on my VM. That is a win xp guest of my Ubuntu amd64 gusty. Which did not work for some reason. The WoW crashes.

I talked with my friend again, and find out that "many" uses Wine to run it. It's a surprise to me. Wine wasn't friendly at all back to 5 years ago. The open source world did so many great things.

>sudo apt-get install wine

I set the virtual desktop to 1280x900 as another friend suggested.

>wine ./Installer.exe

Everything seems okay except the font is a little funny in that window. After everything is done, I try to start the WoW from the installer. It failed. Before that it was trying to install a html engine. That's where it failed.

My heart sink a bit. I tried to run the WoW from it's ~/.wine/drive_c/..... /WoW.exe location. It's like a charm. The application stated, with a small problem. The mouse "hand" is gray. I sure can live with a gray hand.

It then want to download a patch. Everything seems okay until it says "waiting for files to close". It stop there and does nothing. Did a little search on this, find out that running the patch exe file directly works.

It seems okay at first, but will froze after a couple minutes playing. I think I better use Ubuntu 7.0.4. Hope I can get some luck there. 8-]

First I add the repository key:
>wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Then change the /etc/apt/sources.list file. Added:
deb feisty main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn"
deb-src feisty main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn"
It's from file:
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get install wine

>wine WoW.exe -opengl

Everything really worked this time. Thanks Wine development team, thanks to Ubuntu development team.


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