New Stuffs Making Me Feel the Passion Again

Before knowing this, I can hardly think of a reason to use JSF. There are many benefits from using Facelets with your JSF app. I like the most is the "jsfc" attribute. What it does is converting xml element to another at runtime. With this feature, JSF can finally be "designer friendly". Although I haven't find a way to get the facelets template also friendly to html designers. It's hundred miles better than using bare JSF.
<input type="text" jsfc="h:inputText" value="#{}" />
<h:inputText value="#{}" />
Inside Facelets
Facelets fits JSF like a glove
Developer Doc

I like its annotation, data provider, dependent methods, and some other flexible features.
TestNG Doc

Doesn't matter you are a classical or mockist styles of Test Driven Developer, you will find EasyMock is a good tool in your pocket.
Mocks Aren't Stubs
EasyMock Doc

Ever wondered how to Unit Test your Backing-bean of JSF? Here you go, check this article out.
Shale test home

At last, but without it the development will be lot tougher. I use it run all my tests, UT, IT, Smoke Test. Developers are doing TestNG suite xml files inside Eclipse. Which provides the nice GUI. Maven links all these stuff together, checkout code from repository, compile, test, report, depoly. Continuum is the one I use for continuous building.
Maven Life Cycle Introduction
I try to find stuff in ibiblio repository

The list will go on and on. I haven't put Spring, AspectJ, JPA(I use Hibernate3) on this post yet.

Geeeee, arn't they too much for todays Java develpers. From my experienced development or projects, most of development teams are cross-functional type of development. Each developer has the relatively same level of knowledge. Look at the list above, things are getting a little bit out of control, aren't they? It means the technique lead of the team must know them all, that's reasonable, since you are the lead. You are the one who put all this together. You must have all this knowledge, if you don't, go get educated. To all the rest, if you are going to ask everyone know all of this, that's not impossible, but you must have a lot of money, otherwise how can you hire that many senior resources. 8-]

It's more realistic to have some people working on different layers. Write their Unit Test code. Mind their own business. From them, some will eventually have a big picture of the application's architecture design. They are the super stars in the future.

Are you one of them? If you are reading, I can tell that you are!


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