
Here was what Edmonton just had on Jan 10, 2007.

I was looking at Maven2 and am very convinced by its power. To have a project going, maven 2 can save you a lot of time on those small things. Testing report, build, dependency jar files and more. The Continuous Integration tool I used is continuum. A very nice tool, it works with Maven nicely.

Another thing that is worth to mention is that JSF is not that bad after all. I spent a little time on JSF and found it's not hard to pick-up. It is going to win a bigger market share soon. Because it's "standard". A lot people will buy it just because of that.


jiwhiz said…
I'm glad that you are convinced to use maven 2. It is a great tool, however learning curve is a little bit long. But you got it very quick, smart! Now I have to convince you that Domain Driven Design is even better. Let's work together to figure out.

Neil Han said…
I think you did it. Domain Modeling is a nature way of design an application system. EJB3 and Spring 2 + AspectJ, will make it happen. POJO in Action is my next task.

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