Fedora core 6 update

Noticed that the Fedora 6 was out when I had the "baseurl" yum error. So I just could not stop myself from downloading a copy. Started Bittorrent and run out for a whole day. After my daughter's halloween party, the dvd iso downloading is complete. Did not stop the seeding until I have the DVD burned. That was about 11:00pm. Try to give something back instead only taking. That's what p2p about.
I did not use yum to upgrade my home machine from 5 to 6, because when I tried yum, it met some dependency issues. I also don't have time to figure it out. My wife is always checking our financial status on this machine. There are some instructions about using yum to upgrade from other FC to FC5. Haven't seen one talking about 5 to 6 yet.
Had the machine booted from the new dvd. Selected "upgrade" instead of install a new system. Then it's the waiting game. I went to bed to catch some sleep. All my family had not enough sleep for a week. That's another story. The next day, I woke up and the machine had the cd tray open, waiting for the reboot. When it was up and running, nothing went wrong.
One thing I noticed right away is that the transperent effect of the top and bottom bars are better. It used to be not complete, part of it is transperent, part is not. Looks like a half done job. In FC6, it's one piece of transparent manu bar. Happily clicked around for a couple minutes, nothing really bothered me. Glad to see GAIM worked again. My FC5 GAIM broke down a couple days ago. It was around the time I switched to "windows live", a new version of MSN. The aMSN was helping me out for those days without GAIM.
After that, I was debating with myself, should I try the AIGLX or not. I had my video card fan unplugged last week, it's making too much noise. Tried FutureShop for a new fan, they don't have fans for video card in store. So I just unplugged the fan, I don't have heavy graphic stuff for it to work on anyways. But before I know AIGLX better, I should stop here. But definitely I could not.
I educated myself a little at Mitch Meyran's blog It is a good place to go. My home machine has an ATI Radeon 9200SE. Followed this one line instruction. Turned on the effects, saw it, nice! However my windows lost their title and borders, all decorators were gone. Not good.
(Please feel free to skip all these following steps, cause I screwed up my home machine eventurally. Jump to the end of this post, I have it figured out there.)
Warning! Please don't follow these steps, I had my machine reinstalled after all. I have my home on its own partation, there was no dimage. Here is what I did to get me into reinstallation.
I disabled the Desktop Effects. Started reading again. Found that Lunapark6 has a good FC6 review, it have a good step to follow to set up the nVidia card. So I just replace the nvidia with "fglrx".
rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-6.rpm
That installs the livna repo for yum. Probably did some other tricks, but it's going to let you use livna's drivers. Since my FC6 drivers did not work. It worth a try.yum install kmod-fglrx
But I run into this problem:Transaction Check Error:package kernel-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 is already installed
file /boot/System.map-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 from install of kernel-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6
conflicts with file from package kernel-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6
Run yum list all|grep kernel, found out that instead of kernel.i686 my machine had kernel.i586 installed. As Luna6 said, FC guys probably got them massed up. So I tried his/her way to get arround, no luck. Then I removed kernel package. After that my hands are sweaty.!!! Before you do this, back up your /boot/grub/grub.conf file. Cause I have to use my
!!! rescue dvd, manually add the grub menu item back. Below is what I added after the shock.
!!! I am sure it's not what it used to be.
title fedora core 6
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 ro root=/dev/hdc1
initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6.img
!!!----Here are the commands--------------
# yum remove kernel
kernel i586 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 installed 43 M
Removing for dependencies:
compiz i386 0.0.13-0.32.20060817git.fc6 installed 1.9 M
fuse i386 2.5.3-4.fc6 installed 145 k
gnome-session i386 2.16.0-3.fc6 installed 1.3 M
gnome-volume-manager i386 2.15.0-2.fc6 installed 1.9 M
ntfs-3g i386 1:0-0.4.20070920.fc6 installed 285 k
pcmciautils i386 014-5 installed 57 k
systemtap i386 0.5.9-1.fc6 installed 1.3 M
# yum install kernel.i686
Then run the yum install kmod-fglrx again. Everything is okay. -_-bNext thing, I am going to do is get all the removed stuff back!
yum install compiz fuse gnome-session gnome-volume-manager ntfs-3g pcmciautils systemtap
With my finger crossed. They were all reinstalled. It's time to enable the desktop effects again. Did not work still. 8-[If you have an idea, please let me know. I will update this soon.
I am back and updating this post again. I had this compiz window manager worked at work. It is really exciting to see the cube looking desktops flipping back and force. Menus and windows like jellow. My 8 years old daughter was hopping up and down when she saw this. OK, let me get to the point. What caused my home machine did not have the effects working is my old home directory. I should not have this trouble at all if I did not used my old home directory. It had something screwed the compiz somehow. It served a couple different Linux distributions, without talking about differnt versions of them. I created a clean user home directory for myself, start x session again, turn on the desktop effects, ta-da, everything worked.
It should be a really straight forward process to have this eye candy going. Install compiz, go to menu System/Preferences/Desktop Effects, click at the button. It should be this simple.
Fedora Core 6 is a great release!