
Showing posts from 2011

Stereo Camera

Here is a link that I will try to make a stereo vision input with.


I saw this post and many other post about the exodesk. It's an affordable version of Microsoft Surface. I believe it can be replaced with CV + AR. It's going to happen. 8-]

Linear Algebra

I never thought that you can find the lecture and the text online: This is the lecture given by W. Gilbert Strang at MIT. Textbook: Introduction to Linear Algebra

Some resource for AR and 3D computer vision

Thanks to Fred Chen's help. Fred is currently a PHD students in University of Alberta. 1. The idea I am passionate about is augmented reality. 2. The advanced man-machine interface lab, CS department of UofA. . 3. Some of the advanced CV labs (Following UC Berkeley, CMU, and Microsoft research) 4. Computer vision(CV) has developed into a huge area with many directions.  This book has a comprehensive covering of the whole domain, "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications". An electronic version is available here ( ) for free.

350 Edmonton Sept 24,2011

It wasn't a surprise to me that we had about 40 people showed up for the 350 moving the planet rally. Most people were either young or old.  We started at the 150-whyte ave intersection. I learned that the construction site has been polluted by a gas station. It has been there for 14 years. Hard to believe. A big piece of land on Whyte ave not used for anything for 14 years. What a waste. Green Party candidate David Parker had some very practical tips for what you can do if you care about the environment. Meteorologist Julian Brimelow gave a techy speech. Very educational.  MP Linda Duncan came and had a nice speech. It was inspiring.  Raging Grannies: It's a good start. 

Another view of the problem I try to solve

The issue : I found that paper is essential in current business work. Having a hard-copy of a document, a copy of design, it's the most effective way for discussion, for making notes, and recording a decision. To work effectively, it's important to have a hard copy. The Goal : I wish that we can work smoothly without the hard copy of docs, note books. Possible solution : I wonder AR and computer 3D vision may bring this to reality. Virtual "hard copy" of the docs. You can spread it out over your desk, flip through it, write on it and what ever else that you can think of that you may do with a real paper. Maybe not paper air plane. Why not? Virtual note book that you can write on. The pen can be your finger or a pen, or something that your computer treat as a pen. Water down version : (Need to check the current tech level and might be a first step toward a better version) Is there some window manager that can work with AR or VR eye-wears? It's might be a...

The possible solution to Iron man's holograph UI

To implement the UI that we see in that Iron man holograph UI, using the current technology without the cost of an arm or a leg, here is the possible solution. Please see my previous post. Using the augment reality glasses to project the model into our eyes Give 3D vision to our computer Questions I have are: Do we have the product? Probably. I hope it works with Linux, has a simple/easy API to work with. It is not the critical part for this moment. If a Linux friendly 3D display is not ready yet, a stub can be used for development. (Action item, find what's out there) Do we have 3D vision implemented for computers? Probably not, maybe not as well as mouse and keyboard. Maybe implement a simple version, for example, build the 3D tracking ability to a pen. (Action item, find a product, the hardware. If it doesn't exist, maybe put together of two webcams.) What libraries, softwares and existing knowledge we can leverage. (Action item, learn)

My vision of project Ava

I sought, and I found what I was looking for. Having watched too many sci-fi movies, to name a few, the interface in minority report, the Zion control in Matrix. Every time when I have to work with paper, either at work or at home, I wish augmented reality and virtual reality is available for mundane usage instead of gaming or military. The UI in iron man movies is the most exciting and most attractive UI to me. I want to bring this into reality. I wish that one day, the user interface that we need to work with is as simple as paper documents, photos; models projected as 3D objects.  Using 3D tracking and augmented reality, the environment can be our computer screen. The input device can be our hands, or a real pen. You grab a piece of "paper", put it on the table, pick up a "pen" or using your finger, dip in to a color that you like to write or draw in, start writing. This is not a dream in a far future anymore. There is VideoMan  http://videomanlib.source...