FC6 LiVES amr_nb amr_wb audio
I was trying to connect a couple video clips from my daughter's Halloween party. My home computer has Fedora Core 6 Linux. The video editing tool is LiVES . Under the hood, it's using mplayer to load my videos. But with my installed mplayer options, the amr_nb audio wasn't enabled. It's time for source code digging. Into the libavcodec directory of mplayer, noticed the amr.c file, it says: This code implements amr-nb and amr-wb audio encoder/decoder through external reference code from www.3gpp.org. The licence of the code from 3gpp is unclear so you have to download the code separately. Two versions exists: One fixed-point and one with floats. For some reason the float-encoder is significant faster atleast on a P4 1.5GHz (0.9s instead of 9.9s on a 30s audio clip at MR102). Both float and fixed point is supported for amr-nb, but only float for amr-wb. --AMR-NB-- The fixed-point (TS26.073) can be downloaded from: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/26_series/26.073...